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Spirituality and Wilderness
Making a Difference through Faith-Based Outreach

SUWA is an organization made up of people from diverse backgrounds, including members from all over the country, both religiously affiliated and not.  Many SUWA members recognize Wilderness as a place of solitude and spirituality.  Some see the redrock country as God’s creation, while others see it as the culmination of billions of years of wind, water, and other natural processes shaping slot canyons, arches, and cliffs.  Many see it as both.  For all of us, it’s a landscape worth protecting.

Environmentalism and religion are compatible.  Around the country religious congregations are seeing the need to care for creationboth for our families today and tomorrow, and for the future of the planet.  Church leaders are challenging their members to reduce energy and resource use, lower automobile emissions, and stand up for the salvation of the earth.

This is the time.
This is the place.
This is the moment.
This is the faith that moves us to action.

Reverend Steven Charleston, Dean and President of the Episcopal
Divinity School.   From a sermon given on Sunday, June 3, 2007 at Saint Mark's
in Seattle, Washington.

>>Find out how you or your congregation can get involved and TAKE ACTION.


White Canyon 
White Canyon.  Copyright James W. Kay.