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Take Action to Celebrate National Wilderness Month!

President Obama signed a Presidential Proclamation last week which recognized September as “National Wilderness Month.”  Invoking the “majesty of our Nation’s wilderness” and a rich legacy of past wilderness legislation, the president rightly recognized that “we must ensure that future generations can experience the tranquility and grandeur of America’s natural places.”  Please send him a message asking him to commemorate National Wilderness Month by giving long-deserved protection to wilderness-quality lands in Utah!

Dirty Devil
The Dirty Devil proposed wilderness is still under threat by policies dating back to the Bush administration.  Photo copyright Ray Bloxham/SUWA.

Even as President Obama's proclamation emphasized the need to protect the natural heritage of future generations, over at the Department of Interior, Secretary Ken Salazar has kept in place highly destructive policies initiated by the Bush administration which threaten the pristine natural beauty, quiet and solitude of worthy wilderness-quality lands throughout the West.

Here’s what Secretary Salazar must do to restore balance and give wilderness landscapes the protection they need:  immediately rescind the Bush administration's infamous “No More Wilderness” policy and reinstate the former process by which BLM planned for the protection of worthy places as wilderness study areas, direct the BLM to take another look at the unbalanced 2008 Resource Management Plans for 11 million acres of Utah BLM land and put in place management strategies that ensure the future sustainability of these truly wondrous places.

You may be wondering: why are we still talking about this a full eighteen months into the Obama administration?  Good question.  Ask the Obama administration to give the redrock wilderness-quality lands the protection they deserve!

Thank you,

Heidi McIntosh
Associate Director
Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance

P.S.  Help us show the Obama administration why the Bush land use plans must be fixed NOW!  Find "ORV Mayhem" on YouTube and win great prizes, including a Columbia pack!