Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance

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Dear Friend,

Governor Herbert is crowing about a judge’s March 20th decision that granted the state of Utah title to 12 of 15 “road” claims in southern Utah.

And Utah taxpayers are being socked for a huge legal bill for the state’s “road” claims — some of which look like this:

Kane County RS 2477 Claim (North Swag Route)
A truck makes its way up the "North Swag" route in the Grand
Staircase-Escalante National Monument -- one of the twelve routes
on which Gov. Herbert spent an untold amount of taxpayer money
to gain title.

The state’s real goal is to seize control over federal public lands and to prevent these lands from gaining wilderness protection.

Please help us stop this madness by making a donation now.

SUWA’s legal director is coordinating the efforts of 18 lawyers from non-profit organizations and law firms.  Some of the time is donated, but SUWA has still incurred $50,000 in legal fees in just the last few months fighting Herbert’s land grab.

Governor Herbert and various Utah counties have filed 29 additional lawsuits claiming more than 14,000 rights-of-way totaling nearly 35,000 miles of dirt trails and routes threatening Utah’s national parks and monuments — and the redrock wilderness.

89 miles down. 34,911 miles and millions of taxpayer dollars to go. This, Governor Herbert insists, is a victory.

We say the court’s decision is but the first round in a long battle.

We’ll stop him, just as we’ve repeatedly blocked the anti-wilderness shenanigans of Utah politicians in the past. 

Please make a donation today.

Thank you,

Scott Groene
Scott Groene
Executive Director
Moab, Utah

425 East 100 South, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84111 | 801-486-3161 |

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